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Rethinking Medicine: Harmonizing Science and Herbal Tradition

Americans are overprescribed, overdosed, and overcharged for medicine. A hundred years ago, American herbalists taught the world; today they’re banned and censored by the pharmaceutical cartel. Humans and herbs haven’t changed, but our needs and understanding have. It’s time to examine how conventional and  herbal medicines are similar, how they differ, and what they can learn from each other. 


  • Is the typical randomized clinical trial (RCT) the “gold standard” of medical evidence?

  • How does dosage alter results and toxicity, both for groups and individual patients?

  • What are the common factors in drug-drug, herb-drug, and food-drug interactions?

  • How do we procure more safe and affordable options for individual patient needs?

  • Why do herbalists use small doses of many ingredients? Can they be effective?

  • What evidence should we consider in evidence-based medicine (EBM)?

  • Should the government restrict individual health choices?


Get ready to rethink what you thought you knew about medicine.

"All things are poison, and nothing is without poison; the dosage alone makes it so a thing is not a poison."

— Paracelsus (Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim), 16th century Swiss physician and alchemist

"It's time to examine how conventional and herbal medicines are similar, how they differ, and what they can learn from each other."

— Matt Warnock, Rethinking Medicine: Harmonizing Science and Herbal Tradition

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